Fenton Foot Care Blog

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The Painful Ingrown Toenail

Doctors have foot problems too! An ingrowing nail is a common problem that can effect people of all ages.  An ingrown nail occurs when the toenail is pushing on or…

Frostbite Warning Signs

  In the Podiatry world, it's the start of frostbite season. As the snow begins to fall and the temperature begins to drop, for many reasons we are drawn outdoors.…

Do I have fungal nails?

Are your nails are discolored, white, yellow, green, brown or black? Are they thicker than normal, loosen easily, lift up at the ends or sometimes fall off?Discoloration can be caused…

Frostbite Prevention

Frostbite is a serious tissue destroying disorder.  It is something that is not often anticipated during relatively mild winter temperatures. The doctors and staff at Fenton Foot Care encourage everyone to stay…

Preparing for Summer!

Summer is coming, we can feel it! With summer comes a change in activity and a change in shoe gear. Most people feel uncomfortable in how sweaty shoes in the…