- Heel Pain Relief Center
- Full line of diabetic footwear/shoes
- On-site Digital x-rays
- On-site Vascular testing (non-invasive)
- On-site Diagnostic ultrasound (often avoids need for MRI)
- Dispensing of diabetic shoes
- Dispensing and manufacturing of custom braces and orthotics
- Surgery suite (avoids need to go to hospital for minor in-office surgery)
- On-site Wound Care Center for foot and leg ulcers
- Diabetic education
- Sports medicine
- Custom made orthotics, braces and shoe inserts
- Fungal and thick, painful nail care
- Treatment of fractures of foot and ankle (surgical and non-surgical)
- Emergency care of all foot and ankle fractures, cuts and infections
How can we help you?

Dr. James Hirt & Dr. Erin Holdren-Otis demonstrating advanced surgical procedures to podiatric residents at Genesys teaching hospital