Stick with what you know!
If you are like me, you have trained for four months (or more!) leading up to the Crim. It is quite difficult to be a runner in the greater Flint area and not consider doing the Crim each year. Flint knows the Crim. People from the area who have never run the Crim know that the longest race is 10 miles and not a “marathon.” I always look forward to seeing Flint in such a positive light. The local bands and cheerleading teams impelling me to run faster always make me smile. I love seeing the people of Flint waking up to come out of their homes around the course and cheer for all the runners.

Training for months prior has allowed you to figure out which shirt, shorts, shoes and socks work best for you on long runs. Don’t deviate from what you know for a race. If you have recently purchased a new pair of shoes but have not gotten a long run in them, leave them at home on race day.
If this is your 30th Crim or your 1st, I know it will be a great experience. I look forward to hearing your times and seeing your pictures. Dr. Holdren Otis