Preparing for Summer!

IMG_3773Summer is coming, we can feel it! With summer comes a change in activity and a change in shoe gear. Most people feel uncomfortable in how sweaty shoes in the summer and transition to bare feet or sandals. Here are some things to remember about foot health in the warm coming months:

  1. Wear something on your feet when around and by the pool. Athlete’s foot (foot fungus) and plantar warts are commonly found in places where people are barefoot. Make sure to wear sandals when not enjoying the pool.
  2. If you will be walking around a lot outside make sure to pick a sandal that is supportive. This means one with arch support and a good sole.
  3. If doing yard work/carpentry/cutting the grass- USE YOUR SHOES! Many minor injuries like scratches and lacerations can be prevented with the proper shoe gear. Major injury can be reduced just by wearing your normal shoes.
  4. Wear sunscreen on your feet. The feet and lower legs can be easily forgotten but can be very painful with a red sunburn. Sun damage to any area of your skin can put your skin at risk for problems later on.
  5. If your shoes get wet make sure that they are completely dry before putting them back on. This will help to prevent bacteria and fungus from staying in your favorite pair of tennis shoes.
  6. Drink lots of water! This can prevent swelling of the feet and ankles.
  7. If you have pain in your foot or ankle contact Fenton Foot Care to take care of it soon. A chronic problem can take more time to treat than one you have just noticed.